Suspected Broken Ankle at Sandy Cove

Date: 01.08.24

Time tasked: 12:05

Callout #: 6

Tasked to a casualty with a suspected broken ankle at Sandy Cove near Ladram Bay. 

Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat crew arrived on scene and administered first aid, including pain relief (Entonox). 

Casualty then stretchered onto the lifeboat and brought back to Sidmouth, where further casualty care was provided at the lifeboat station by lifeboat crew, Exmouth, Beer and Sidmouth Coastguards, before the casualty was transferred to a SWAST ambulance.   

We wish the casualty a speedy recovery. Many thanks to all involved.

Boat Crew: Jim Brewster (Helm), Ian Fletcher, Graham Trude, Mark Davies

Tractor Driver: Paul May

DLA: Phil Shepperd

Shore Crew: Guy Bennett, Andy Horsely, Mike Dance, Stephen Waller

Wind speed: Force 2

Wind: NW

Visibility: Very good

All enquiries:

Photo Credit: Stephen Waller

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